Our History
Joseph F. Nardone Funeral Home began its tradition of serving the families of Westchester County over 70 years ago. Since that time, the concept of “treating your family like our family" has been reflected in the multitude of services we offer, in our comfortable surroundings, and in our professional, capable staff.
Joseph F. Nardone Funeral Home is family owned and operated and is dedicated to serving the needs of all families, regardless of race, religion or financial status. Today the funeral home is under the direction of Jason Chiaramonte, a licensed funeral director. His wife, Leslie Chiaramonte, helps with community outreach and advanced planning.
To maintain the high standards people have come to expect of them, we are continuously looking for better ways to serve the community. Our team is committed to caring for and helping the families they serve. We offer each family they serve the ability to plan a funeral that will meet their specific needs while keeping their traditional commitment to funeral service unchanged.
Peekskill and its surrounding regions have a rich history. Feel free to explore the town and the town's history.